
How To Implement AI In Your Company

When you first introduce AI into your company, it’s important to know what problems you’re solving, who your target audience is, and what goals you want the AI to achieve.

Ranjan Das

 Ranjan Das

·  Posted: 2022-07-21

   Posted: 2022-07-21


The following is an interview with Mr. Ranjan Das MD Apppl Combine, regarding his take on implementing artificial intelligence in your company.

So Mr. Das, what are your views on AI in the workplace?

Consider a future where artificial intelligence is so advanced that it can assist you in making better business decisions, running your business more efficiently, and even forecasting the future. It sounds like a fantastic idea, doesn't it? It's not quite as ridiculous as you might think.

It's difficult to deny that artificial intelligence is the future of business, and most companies will have to implement it sooner or later to stay competitive.

Those companies that are currently unable to manage AI will have to outsource AI management to companies with relevant knowledge, like creative agencies, ad agencies, and digital agencies.

According to PwC's report, Bot.Me: A Revolutionary Partnership, 67 percent of executives believe combining artificial and human intelligence will help people and machines work together to improve operations.

How can AI improve business effectiveness?

According to me, AI can help businesses increase employee productivity by automating routine tasks and processes. It can also improve marketing activities by generating content that reflects client needs and saves time and money by replacing manual systems with automated software. It maximizes sales opportunities and increases revenue by anticipating customer needs and providing targeted solutions.

How to successfully implement AI in your company?

The best way to implement AI in your company is to start small and build up from there. When you first introduce AI into your company, it’s important to know what problems you’re solving, who your target audience is, and what goals you want the AI to achieve.

How does AI help you define your business needs?

One of the things that makes AI so powerful is that it can do a lot for businesses—but it all depends on how you define your needs first! For example, if your goal is to get more customers to use your product or service, AI can help by making it easier for people to find what they need. AI can also assist by scheduling appointments for customers or simply identifying which products are most likely to be used together. If your business needs help with marketing and sales, AI can help by identifying which customers are most likely to buy something based on their past purchasing history or social media activity. In this way, AI can help you manage your business more efficiently but also grow it faster because it helps you find new customers who might not otherwise have known about your business!

The bottom line is that AI can do a lot for your business.

Should one consider consulting a domain specialist?

AI development is not the same as traditional software development. AI, which is a highly specialized discipline, necessitates a unique set of skills. Developing algorithms that can educate computers to comprehend, improve, and optimize your business activities necessitates a wealth of information and a specialized set of skills.

If you are hesitant, just outsource your AI development to a business that specializes in big data, artificial intelligence, and machine learning. A company like Apppl Combine, one of the best advertising agencies in Delhi, will be able to help avoid any mistakes in planning and production by utilizing their expertise as well as their process.

Why should you prepare your data?

When attempting to employ AI, the quality of your data is critical. Begin by organizing your data if you haven't previously. The importance of data quality in AI has been nicknamed "the new oil." The first step is to create a data governance plan and ensure that everyone on your team understands how important data quality is. You should also teach all workers how to store and use corporate data safely, as well as share it with other departments/people inside the firm (without putting security at risk).

Is it advisable to start big or small?

Don't go all-in on your first project when you first start employing AI. Begin with a tiny sample dataset and apply artificial intelligence to demonstrate the value contained inside. Then, with a few victories under your belt, strategically roll out the solution with full stakeholder support.

The next phase is to assess your AI's performance against a new dataset, after which you can begin utilizing it to analyze previously unexplored data. You may progress from low-cost, low-risk projects to more ambitious efforts after establishing whether your first strategy was sellable (or whether you needed to adjust your technique before moving on). These early lessons might be critical in preventing costly future mistakes.


Mr. Ranjan Das led Apppl Combine a top brand design and management firm in Delhi NCR. With his leadership and the team's knowledge, they are ready to assist you in implementing AI in your firm. Apppl Combine can develop and strategically implement an AI strategy for your company.

Their team has vast expertise in integrating artificial intelligence technologies into a variety of sectors. They understand how to employ machine learning, natural language processing, deep learning, and other technologies to improve the efficiency of your organization.

If you want to implement AI in your firm, contact Apppl Combine right away!

Article is authored by Ranjan Das, MD Apppl Combine 


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